


committed to create
a conscious and
balanced design

our core mission is to advance the human experience of built space. am studio weaves an array of raw or natural materials into a refined experience of space. we believe design is most successful when ideas and forms merge through a collaborative process.

meet the team

we apply an agile approach to every project rather than a prescribed style, as we believe good design is style neutral. our team consists of an interdisciplinary group of architects, as well as interior and industrial designers. this diversity is a key advantage our clients realize as it fosters harmony between architecture and interiors. our client base varies from individual high-end single-family custom homeowners to leading multi- family developers and restauranteurs. budget conscious.

paula spirk

paula andrea spirk founded am studio in 2012 with an emphasis on immersive, cohesive, and collaborative placemaking. she believes excellence in design emerges by forming a sympathetic connection between design professionals and those that will interact within a work product. paula holds a degree of architecture from universidad san buenaventura in cali colombia. she emigrated to the united states shortly after graduation to join zyscovich architects. during her tenure she completed prominent projects in miami such as ii midtown & 1111 lincoln rd (designed in collaboration with pritzker prize winning architect herzog and de meuron). today, she is the team-making force behind what has become a highly successful boutique design studio.

juan dávila

r.a. leed ap
senior project architect
juan’s great team attitude, organizational skills, and diligent project approach has been invaluable to the execution of our work product and to the growth of our office. he is a building and zoning code expert and always has our back with respect to issues of compliance. on the creative side, juan is an avid photographer capturing unique moments and settings.

esteban castaño

project architect – associate
esteban’s tectonic knowhow and critical design eye provide creative solutions from concept through execution of our projects. these, along with the implementation of a rigorous coordination process are keys to successful high-quality projects. his generous coffee treats are most definitely a highlight of the workday!

jaime andrés rojas

interior architect
jaime has been a key team member since the very beginning of our studio. an architect by training and a builder by practice, he has been fundamental in proof checking our designs to ensure they are constructable and durable. jaime’s lighthearted humor and candid commentary brings glee to the office.

juan manuel hurtado

design architect – associate
juan manuel is highly engaged and commitment to the projects. the team has grown to appreciate his calm demeanor during tight project deadlines. juan is an expert at realizing design concepts into three dimensional models and also produces impeccable drawing documents. juan enjoys visiting architectural sites and is a fanatic soccer fan.

maría andreina orta

interior architect
andreina excels at providing refinement and definition to the creative process. her meticulous approach realizes synergetic relationships between interior space and object design for our projects. interior architect.

committed to create
a conscious and
balanced design

our core mission is to advance the human experience of built space. am studio weaves an array of raw or natural materials into a refined experience of space. we believe design is most successful when ideas and forms merge through a collaborative process

meet our team

we apply an agile approach to every project rather than a prescribed style, as we believe good design is style neutral. our team consists of an interdisciplinary group of architects, as well as interior and industrial designers. this diversity is a key advantage our clients realize as it fosters harmony between architecture and interiors. our client base varies from individual high-end single-family custom homeowners to leading multi- family developers and restauranteurs. budget conscious

paula spirk

paula andrea spirk founded am studio in 2012 with an emphasis on immersive, cohesive, and collaborative placemaking. she believes excellence in design emerges by forming a sympathetic connection between design professionals and those that will interact within a work product. paula holds a degree of architecture from universidad san buenaventura in cali colombia. she emigrated to the united states shortly after graduation to join zyscovich architects. during her tenure she completed prominent projects in miami such as ii midtown & 1111 lincoln rd (designed in collaboration with pritzker prize winning architect herzog and de meuron). today, she is the team-making force behind what has become a highly successful boutique design studio

juan dávila

r.a. leed ap
senior project architect
juan’s great team attitude, organizational skills, and diligent project approach has been invaluable to the execution of our work product and to the growth of our office. he is a building and zoning code expert and always has our back with respect to issues of compliance. on the creative side, juan is an avid photographer capturing unique moments and settings.

esteban castaño

project architect – associate
esteban’s tectonic knowhow and critical design eye provide creative solutions from concept through execution of our projects. these, along with the implementation of a rigorous coordination process are keys to successful high-quality projects. his generous coffee treats are most definitely a highlight of the workday!

jaime andrés rojas

interior architect
jaime has been a key team member since the very beginning of our studio. an architect by training and a builder by practice, he has been fundamental in proof checking our designs to ensure they are constructable and durable. jaime’s lighthearted humor and candid commentary brings glee to the office.

juan manuel hurtado

design architect – associate
juan manuel is highly engaged and commitment to the projects. the team has grown to appreciate his calm demeanor during tight project deadlines. juan is an expert at realizing design concepts into three dimensional models and also produces impeccable drawing documents. juan enjoys visiting architectural sites and is a fanatic soccer fan.

maría andreina orta

interior architect
andreina excels at providing refinement and definition to the creative process. her meticulous approach realizes synergetic relationships between interior space and object design for our projects. interior architect.